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Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations
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NBC News Scripts
title NBC News Scriptsdescription Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story about the orgganization, IMAGE, opening a new local chapter in Dallas that aims at improving education for Mexican-Americans.artist/creator Wbap-Tv (Television Station : Fort Worth, Tex.)subject Executive Directors News Stories Mexican-Americans Scripts Business, Economics And Finance - Communications - Media Image Films People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics News Segments Arts And Crafts - Theatre - Motion Pictures Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Calderon, Tom Television Broadcasting Of News.contributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
The Pedagogue, Yearbook of Southwestern Texas State Normal School, 1912
title The Pedagogue, Yearbook of Southwestern Texas State Normal School, 1912description Yearbook for Southwest Texas State Normal School in San Marcos, Texas includes photos of and information about the school, student body, professors, and organizations, as well as some original writings and illustrations done by the students.artist/creator Smith, P. O. Atkinson, Alice Hensley, Lee Stolaroff, Rosie Hartman, Lillie Cole, Winnie Carper, Dan Gibson, Naomi Combs, Martin Holekamp, Erna Southwestern Texas State Normal School Montgomery, R. H. Thomas, Mabel Barnes, Bessie Pace, Will King, O. B. Gates, Posey Gregory, Hughsubject Activities Athletics People Education - Yearbooks Education - Colleges And Universities Sports And Recreation Classes Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Photograph of Texas Federation of Women's Clubs' Officers
title Photograph of Texas Federation of Women's Clubs' Officersdescription Photograph of three women in skirt suits, the officers of the District 8 Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. The women are, left to right, Mrs. W. F. Hargrove, Jr., Mrs. LeRoy Lardon, and Mrs. Harwood Keith.artist/creator Unknownsubject Lardon, Mrs. Leroy Hargrove, Mrs. W. F., Jr. Keith, Mrs. Harwood People - Groups Texas Federation Of Women'S Clubs Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Marfa (Tex.) -- History -- Photographs.contributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Club Terpsicore member posing in long white dress
title Club Terpsicore member posing in long white dressdescription Photograph of a Club Terpsicore member wearing a long white dress, gloves, and tiara, posing next to a column and in front of a wall with a round window.subject Women. Portraits People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Dances Club Terpsicore Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations People - Individualscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Club Terpsicore member wearing a fancy dress
title Club Terpsicore member wearing a fancy dressdescription Photograph of a Club Terpsicore member wearing a fancy dress, 1939-1940.subject Women. People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Dances Club Terpsicore Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizationscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group of Club Terpsicore members
title Group of Club Terpsicore membersdescription Photograph of a group of Club Terpsicore members, 1939-1940. All of the girls are wearing identical, floor-length, light-colored, sleeveless dresses with an attached cape and flowers in their hair. They are posing in front of a building backdrop with a round window and large arch; the front row is seated on chairs or stools and a second row is standing behind them.subject Portraits People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Dances Club Terpsicore Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Womencontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Fourteen Club Terpsicore members in long dresses
title Fourteen Club Terpsicore members in long dressesdescription Photograph of fourteen Club Terpsicore members standing in two rows, wearing matching floor-length light-colored dresses with capes.subject Women. People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Dances Club Terpsicore Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizationscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Fourteen Club Terpsicore members posing with flowers
title Fourteen Club Terpsicore members posing with flowersdescription Photograph of fourteen Club Terpsicore members posing with flowers in three rows in front of a dark-colored curtain. They are wearing matching light-colored floor-length dresses with short puffy sleeves. Two of the girls in the front row are holding bouquets and an arrangement in a vase is on the floor in the center of the group.subject Women. People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Dances Club Terpsicore Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizationscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Ten Club Terpsicore members posing at the White Ball
title Ten Club Terpsicore members posing at the White Balldescription Photograph of ten Club Terpsicore members posing at the White Ball at the Rice Hotel Ballroom, 1939-1940. Standing, left to right: Angelita Perez, Virginia Gomez, Lupe Quintanilla, Edelia Cantú, Maria Medrano, Hortensia Ornelas. Seated, left to right: Socoro Garcia, Laurentina Rodriguez, Esther Luna, Catalina Gomez.subject Medrano, Maria Ornelas, Hortensia Women. Garcia, Socoro Gomez, Virginia Cantú, Edelia Quintanilla, Lupe Rodriguez, Laurentina Luna, Ester People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Perez, Angelita Sandoval, Catalina Gomez Dances Club Terpsicore Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Rice Hotelcontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Los Amigos Glee Club and Jones Center Serenaders
title Los Amigos Glee Club and Jones Center Serenadersdescription Photograph of the members of the musical groups, Los Amigos Glee Club and Jones Center Serenaders. Twenty four men and eight women, standing and sitting on a stage. Several hold instruments, including guitars and a bass.artist/creator Merchant-Thayer & Co.subject Clubs People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Musical Groups Glee Clubscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Glee club at Young Women's Cooperative Home
title Glee club at Young Women's Cooperative Homedescription Photograph of a glee club, taken between 1926 and 1927, at the YWCA's Young Women Cooperative Home. Seated, left to right: Mildred Sage ; Lillie Avila ; Aurora Enriquez ; Paz Garcia ; unknown ; Davis (sister of Annie Davis and Primitivo Carozos' wife) ; Montezuma ; Annie Davis ; Henrietta Davis ; Miss Felder. Second row, left to right: Alfonzo Rodriguez ; Juan Montemayor ; Tony Lozono ; Felipe Rodriguez ; Frank Carson ; Primitivo Carozos ; Jesse Martinez ; Salvador Reyes ; Willie Davis ; Jesse Chopa ; Agustine Castillo ; Juan Reyes. Top row, left to right: Felipe Davilos ; Vicente Castillo ; David Chopa ; (Frank) Dorelio Castillo.artist/creator Unknownsubject Montemayor, Juan Glee Clubs. Clubs Carson, Frank Davis, Willie Enriquez, Aurora Castillo, Vicente David, Henrietta Rodriguez, Felipe Martinez, Jesse Chopa, David Ywca People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Avila, Lillie Lozono, Tony Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Castillo, Augustine Carozos, Primitivo Castillo, Dorelio Davis, Annie Reyes, Juan Garcia, Paz Davilos, Felipe Sage, Mildred Rodriguez, Alfonzo Reyes, Salvador Chopa, Jessecontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Club Azteca at the Houston Ship Channel
title Club Azteca at the Houston Ship Channeldescription Photograph of the members of Club Azteca at the Houston Ship Channel. Club Azteca was an athletic club that played both soccer and football. Top row, left to right: Manuel Rodriguez ; Benny Lee ; Doroteo Vasquez ; Jose Parrea ; Felipe Davillos ; Jose Villaseñor ; Victor Linon ; Augustine Castillo. Bottom row, left to right: Frank Parillas ; Augustine Vazquez ; Peto Arrispo ; Vincente Castillo ; Juan Reyes ; Aron Villanueva ; Moses Velasquez.artist/creator Unknownsubject Vasquez, Doroteo. Clubs Arrispo, Peto Castillo, Vincente Athletic Clubs. Vazquez, Augustine Linon, Victor Parrea, Jose Velasquez, Moses People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Castillo, Augustine Villaseñor, Jose Villanueva, Aron Reyes, Juan Davillos, Felipe Parillas, Frank Rodriguez, Manuel Lee, Bennycontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Club Recreativo Internacional, 1935
title Club Recreativo Internacional, 1935description Photograph of the members of Club Recreativo Internacional, 1935. From center top (left to right): Carlos Salazar, Vice Presidente ; Jesus de la Isla, Secretario ; Arcadio P. Castillo, Pro-Secretario ; Jose P. Castillo, Tesorero ; Donagiano C. Perez, Pro-Tesorero ; Jesus M. Chapa, 1st Vocal ; Carlos Y. Alcalde, 2nd Vocal ; Guillermo Aguilar, 4th Vocal ; Fredezmindo Lopez ; Francisco Brett, 3rd Vocal ; Ramon C. Gernandez, Precidente. From upper left to lower right: Arnoldo G. Lara ; Mario Montemayor ; Jose L. Torres ; Antonio G. Luna ; Eduardo Pascoe ; Emilio Torres ; Juan Rodriguez ; Eulogio Quintanilla ; D. Salvador Estrella ; Julio S. Perez ; Tomas Martinez ; Alberto Guera ; Ramon Rodriguez ; Silvestre Alguesiur ; Emilio Esparza ; Felix Tijerira ; Romingo A. Varrdo ; Foroteo Hernandez ; Francisco Moreno ; Juan Pantoja ; Tomas Carrera ; Bernardo Contreras ; Estleuan Reyna ; Manuel Lopez ; Jose Alonzo ; Isidao Ibarra ; Tomas Moreno ; Alejandro Vega ; Jesus Garcia ; Manuel Ortegon ; Francisco Tijerina ; Ernesto Olivares ; Francisco Alvarez ; Felipe Alvarado ; Ramon Serena ; Jose Luis Perez ; Ricardo R. Cruz ; Manuel Aleman ; Ernesto Campos ; Guiillermo Espanrza ; Luis Peguero ; Felix de la Isla ; J. J. Mercado ; Rodrigo Garcia R. ; Manuel Crespo ; Rex Salmeron ; Luis Ripley ; Nicasio H. Cedrio ; Manuel N. Cantuartist/creator Cantu Studiosubject Lopez, Manuel Perez, Julio S. Salazar, Carlos Moreno, Tomas Varrdo, Romingo A. Pantoja, Juan Quintanilla, Eulogio Clubs Ripley, Luis Ortegon, Manuel Torres, Emilio Aguilar, Guillermo Perez, Jose Luis Estrella, D. Salvador Mercado, J. J. Perez, Donagiano C. Contreras, Bernardo Olivares, Ernesto Gernandez, Ramon C. Campos, Ernesto Martinez, Tomas Lopez, Fredezmindo Garcia R., Rodrigo Tijerina, Francisco Cruz, Ricardo R. Aleman, Manuel Cantu, Manuel N. Isla, Jesus De La Luna, Antonio G. Rodriguez, Ramon Alcalde, Carlos Y. Carrera, Tomas Ibarra, Isidao Montemayor, Mario Alguesiur, Silvestre Reyna, Estleuan Torres, Jose L. Alvarado, Felipe Hernandez, Foroteo Castillo, Jose P. Alvarez, Francisco Serena, Ramon People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Espanrza, Guiillermo Guera, Alberto Isla, Felix De La Pascoe, Eduardo Peguero, Luis Rodriguez, Juan Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Brett, Francisco Lara, Arnoldo G. Salmeron, Rex Garcia, Jesus Esparza, Emilio Vega, Alejandro Moreno, Francisco Chapa, Jesus M. Tijerina, Felix, 1905-1965 Alonzo, Jose Castillo, Arcadio P. Cedrio, Nicasio H. Crespo, Manuelcontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Hall of the Obrera Mexicana Mutualista
title Hall of the Obrera Mexicana Mutualistadescription Photograph of Sociedad Mutualista Obrera Mexicana located on Canal Street. White two-storied building, with SMOM logo visible on both sides of the front entrance. This is a historic building in Houston's East Side.artist/creator Unknowncontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
School Pastors' Wives Association, Rio Grande Conference
title School Pastors' Wives Association, Rio Grande Conferencedescription Photograph of School Pastors' Wives Association, Rio Grande Conference, 1960.artist/creator Lucas, Rachelsubject Lucas, Rachel Religion - Denominations - Methodist People People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Urbina, Gerada Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizationscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Sixth annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society Conference
title Sixth annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society Conferencedescription Photograph of the sixth annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society Conference at Methodist Church "El Mesias", April 5-7, 1938.artist/creator Lucas, Rachelsubject Lucas, Rachel Religion - Denominations - Methodist People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Urbina, Gerada Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Churches Womencontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Women's society conference
title Women's society conferencedescription Photograph of a women's society conference on March 28, 1940.artist/creator Lucas, Rachelsubject Lucas, Rachel People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Urbina, Gerada Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Womencontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Club Cultural Recreativo México Bello - 1932
title Club Cultural Recreativo México Bello - 1932description Photograph of the members of Club Cultural Recreativo México Bello, a social club for Mexican Americans in Houston, Texas.artist/creator Unknownsubject Social Clubs Club Cultural Recreativo México Bello People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Clubs.contributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Club Cultural Recreativo México Bello - 1934
title Club Cultural Recreativo México Bello - 1934description Photograph of the members of Club Cultural Recreativo México Bello, a social club for Mexican Americans in Houston, Texas.artist/creator Schlueter, Frank L.subject Social Clubs Club Cultural Recreativo México Bello People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Clubs.contributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Photograph of Club International
title Photograph of Club Internationaldescription Photograph of eleven men, members of Club International.artist/creator Unknownsubject Club International Clubs People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizationscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group Portrait of Children
title Group Portrait of Childrendescription Photograph of a portrait of a group of children organized into three tiered rows. The front row consists of a small group of young boys sitting on the ground. The second row consists of a group of seated young girls and a young woman who is seated in the middle. The back row consists of a small group of slightly older girls wearing either tartan printed or white dresses. There is a window both behind the group and on the right-hand side of the image. Many of the boys are holding wide-brimmed hats. The photograph is mounted on a patchy, light-colored piece of cardboard. There is a handwritten note in Spanish on the back of the photograph that translates to read, "This portrait is affectionately dedicated to the President of the Children's Society - Delia Lopez, G.A. Walls, Laredo, Tex Oct. 27, 1920"artist/creator Unknownsubject Texas-Mexican Presbytery Hats Interiors Portraits People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations People - Childrencontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group of Hispanic Men in Front of a White Building
title Group of Hispanic Men in Front of a White Buildingdescription Photograph of a large group of Hispanic men standing in front the entrance of a white wood-slatted building. The men are all facing the camera and are standing in six tiered rows. Some of the men are smiling and others look stern or neutral. In front and center of the group there is a wooden rocker bench with two more men sitting on it. Everyone in the group is wearing a suit and tie, and one man in the front row is holding a book. The men are standing in front of the doorway of the building, which is slightly cracked open. There is a window with blinds and a lantern on either side of the doorway. There is an address over the doorway that reads "905". There is small handwriting on the back of the photograph that reads, "Seddon Houston San Pablo Aka Magnolia Park".artist/creator Unknownsubject Suits Texas-Mexican Presbytery People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Men Architecture - Buildingscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Dance Card for The Story Book Ball
title Dance Card for The Story Book Balldescription Dance Card with pencil from The Story Book Ball held on March 3, 1919 at the Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The dance was sponsored by the Merry Maids Musical Club. Names of dance partners are listed on the pages inside. Dances include the Foxtrot, Waltz and One Step.artist/creator Unknownsubject Balls Arts And Crafts - Dance Dance Cards Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Social Life And Customs - Customs - Partiescontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Code of Ethics, Photographers' Association of America
title Code of Ethics, Photographers' Association of Americadescription Copy of the Code of Ethics for the Photographers' Association of America. Page has decorative purple border around the text. It is signed by James P. Keith.artist/creator Unknownsubject Photographers' Association Of America Code Of Ethics Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizationscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Marfa Lions Club
title Marfa Lions Clubdescription In this photograph, ther are two older men standing together. The man on the right is wearing a light-colored shirt and slacks and glasses; he is handing a plaque to the man on the left who is wearing a dark-colored suit and tie. The man on the left is also holding an identifiable object in his left hand. The plaque is fairly small and shaped like a shield with a metallic Lions Club seal in the middle and a small metal inscribed plate underneath it. In the background, there are curtains and at least two different flags at the right of the photograph. There also appears to be a chair (only partially visible) in front of the men. On the back of the photograph there is a handwritten note that says, "l. to. r. Jesse Blakwell, Marfa, H. L. Leithead, Marfa." Accompanying information says "This picture was taken on May 6, 1949. Pictured are Mr. Jess Blackwell being presented an honorary award from Mr. H. L. Leithead club chairman."artist/creator Keith Studiosubject Blackwell, Jesse Leithead, H. L. Awards Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations People - Individuals Lions Clubcontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Annual Century Club president's luncheon, late 1950s
title Annual Century Club president's luncheon, late 1950sdescription An annual President's luncheon of the Marfa Century Culture Club. The attendees are sitting behind a long, decorated table. A centerpiece is prominent, and sits in the middle of the photograph. From left to right: Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Russell Thornsbury (President of the Chamber of Commerce), Mrs. H. L. Hord (incoming President), Mrs. M.T. Bennett (luncheon Chairman and Master of Ceremonies), Mrs. M.S. Baker (outgoing President), and Mrs. George Mimms.artist/creator Keith Studiosubject Hats Luncheons Floral Centerpieces Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Marfa Century Culture Club Womencontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
The Century Culture Club of Marfa in 1959
title The Century Culture Club of Marfa in 1959description Marfa Century Culture Club officers in 1959. The women are behind a large table decorated with flowers and snacks. They appear to be meeting in someone's home. From left to right: Mrs. Pat Godbold (First Vice-President), Mrs. Miller Robinson (President), Mrs. Mimms Sutton (Parliamentarian), Mrs. Gene Newman (Recording Secretary), Mrs. Herschel Adams (Club Counselor), Mrs. Kerr Mitchell (Corresponding Secretary), and Mrs. Morris Ledger (Treasurer).artist/creator Unknownsubject Robinson, Mrs. Miller Adams, Mrs. Herschel Newman, Mrs. Gene Floral Centerpieces Ledger, Mrs. Morris Century Culture Club Godbold, Mrs. Pat Social Life And Customs - Clubs And Organizations Sutton, Mrs. Mimmscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH)