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Pamphlet: "Embracing Chaos, Young Latino Artists Exhibition # 12"
title Pamphlet: "Embracing Chaos, Young Latino Artists Exhibition # 12"description Pamphlet that advertises an annual exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled, "Embracing Chaos, Young Latino Artists Exhibition # 12". The front cover of the pamphlet features the title of the exhibition along with the Mexic-Arte Museum logo. The pamphlet, which takes the form of a small catalog, includes a table of contents and artist profiles for all of the artists included in the exhibition. There is also a note and interview from the curator at the front of the catalog.subject Education - Events Artists Profiles Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Galleries People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Biographies Latinos Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: Young Latino Artists 11, Youth Overdrive
title Pamphlet: Young Latino Artists 11, Youth Overdrivedescription Pamphlet that advertises an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled, "Young Latino Artists 11, Juventud Desenfrenada [Youth Overdrive]". The pamphlet folds out to span three panels long; the inside and front cover have a continuous red block on the bottom and a continuous white block on the top which makes up the background. The front cover features the title "YLA11" in a futuristic triple-lined typeface. The second half of the title along with the date of the exhibition reception and the Mexic-Arte Museum logo is also included. The three interior panels are connected by a continuous line of rounded boxes that each feature an individual icon. The first panel features the headline "YLA 11: Juventud Desenfrenada [YLA 11: Youth Overdrive]" along with a corresponding informational paragraph. The second panel includes information concerning the time and dates of the opening reception, a members' preview, and a gallery talk with the exhibition curator. There is also sponsorship information. The third panel highlights a list of the contributing "Featured Artists" along with their hometowns. The back panel advertises a separate exhibition entitled "Serie XIII" that is running simultaneously in the back gallery of the museum. Along with the title and dates of the exhibition, there is a short informative paragraph and a list of participating artists. The back of the middle panel includes general information about the Mexic-Arte Museum.artist/creator Unknownsubject Education - Events Receptions Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Galleries People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Latinos Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: Festival Mexico, Celebrating the Art of Cuisine
title Pamphlet: Festival Mexico, Celebrating the Art of Cuisinedescription Pamphlet that advertises an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled, "Festival Mexico, Celebrating the Art of Cuisine". The pamphlet folds out to span three panels long which all have a continuous black background. The cover of the pamphlet features the title and date of the exhibition along with a colorful flower embroidery. The first panel continues the flower motif at the bottom left-hand corner. The title of the exhibition is at the top of the panel and is followed by a pink lacy border. There is a short paragraph that explains some of the highlights and meanings of the exhibition. This paragraph is followed by logos from sponsors and general information about the exhibition, including ticket sales, parking, dates and times. There is a large photograph of a pink flower embroidery design in the middle of the second and third panels. The second panel highlights a "Featured Chef: Guillermo González Beristáin" and provides a paragraph of background information about him. This is followed by a list of other featured caterers and contributing restaurants as well as a passage about a silent auction. The third panel advertises a separate exhibition that is running simultaneously in the Mexic-Arte Museum Main Gallery. The title of the exhibition, "Los Hílos De Oaxaca [The Threads of Oaxaca]" as well as a description about the exhibition are featured on this panel. There is a row of sponsor logos at the bottom of the panel. The back of the last panel provides short passages about the "3-M Austin Learning Corner", "A Skirt Full of Butterflies" film showing, and free family Sundays. Logos of sponsors as well as the exhibition title are also included on this panel. There is a photograph of two red embroidered birds sitting on flowering branches. The back of the middle panel features information about the Mexic-Arte Museum.artist/creator Unknownsubject Education - Events Artists Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Festivals People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Auctions Arts And Crafts - Crafts - Fiber Arts Social Life And Customs - Customs - Celebrations Mexicans Textiles Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: "The Threads of Oaxaca, an Exhibition on Traditional Textiles" Family Guide
title Pamphlet: "The Threads of Oaxaca, an Exhibition on Traditional Textiles" Family Guidedescription Family guidebook that details an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled, "Los Hílos De Oaxaca [The Threads of Oaxaca], an Exhibition on Traditional Textiles". The front cover features a large photograph of an embroidered flower as well as the exhibition title in a script typeface above. The English translation of the name is also included in uppercase letters along with the subheading "A Family Guide" and the exhibition dates. The inside cover of the guidebook includes a list of all the contributors that worked on an aspect of the exhibition. The first page features an introductory paragraph that describes the nature and meaning of the exhibition. The rest of the guide consists of headings that describe either indigenous Hispanic cultures or inspired Hispanic textile artists. Each heading is followed by passages that explain the subject further in depth and as it relates to the exhibition. There is a simple map of several tribal boundaries on pages four and five of the guide. Page 19 is dedicated to explaining ancient "Textile Techniques & Dying Methods", and is accompanied by a labelled diagram of a loom on page 18. The last two pages of the guidebook contain two interactive activities; the first is a list of relevant words that the reader is asked to find the definitions for in the guidebook. The second activity contains a box with an outline of a traditional Hispanic garment inside. The reader is asked to create a meaningful design on the garment inspired by "Huipil design". The back cover of the guidebook features several logos of various sponsors as well as a small paragraph about the Mexic-Arte Museum.subject Education - Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Crafts - Fiber Arts Traditions Mexicans Textiles Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Postcard: Totally Cool Totally Art
title Postcard: Totally Cool Totally Artdescription Postcard that advertises an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled, "Totally Cool Totally Art". The front of the postcard depicts a graphically-rendered gallery wall with three picture frames hanging on it. The first and largest frame contains the exhibition title in blue lowercase type. The frame at the very top next to it is the smallest and contains an "@" symbol. The frame below this contains the logo to the Mexic-Arte Museum. There are black silhouettes of people standing around the front as well as the background behind the wall. The date of the opening reception is included at the bottom of the postcard. The opposite side of the postcard includes the exhibition and museum names, the address of the museum, and the date and times of the opening reception.artist/creator Unknownsubject Education - Events Receptions Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: The 10th Annual Young Latino Artists Exhibition
title Pamphlet: The 10th Annual Young Latino Artists Exhibitiondescription Pamphlet that advertises an event that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled, "The 10th Annual Young Latino Artists Exhibition". The pamphlet folds out to span three panels long, and all of the photographs features are black and white. The background of the cover of the pamphlet is split crosswise; half is a green graphic print and the other half is white. The color scheme and design elements are continued throughout the entire pamphlet. The cover features a boldly stylized title that reads "yla 10" along with the full exhibition title below and the museum logo at the top. Two large filmstrip style rows of photographs depicting art from the exhibition run along the three open panels on a crosswise angle. In between the photographs, which have a green and black border at the bottom, there is information about the exhibition, including the title, location, times and dates, and a short description. Information about the opening reception, a members preview, and a lecture is also included. The filmstrip of photographs are continued on the back of the last panel, which also highlights a separate concurrent exhibition entitled "The 12th Annual Serie Project". The panel includes a short description of the exhibition as well as a list of participating artists. The back of the middle panel features information about the Mexic-Arte Museum, including hours of operation, address, phone number, website, sponsors, and the logo.artist/creator Unknownsubject Education - Events Artists Receptions Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Previews Latinos Lectures Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: Collecting Latino Art
title Pamphlet: Collecting Latino Artdescription Pamphlet that advertises an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled, "Collecting Latino Art". The pamphlet folds out to span three panels long, and the entire pamphlet has magenta backgrounds and borders. The front cover features a photograph of a painting of a buffalo along with the exhibition title. The first panel reiterates the title at the top and includes the dates of the exhibition as well as a list of the contributing artists. There is a small note at the bottom of the panel that informs about the tax-free and free admission days at the museum. The second panel solely features a photograph of a painting from the exhibition. The painting depicts a girl seated on a chair and wearing a white shift dress. Artwork credits are at the side of the painting. The third panel advertises a separate event that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled "Noche de Fiesta Navideña 2004 [Christmas Night Party 2004]". The panel includes information about the event including the date and times, tickets, location, catering, and music. The pamphlet also mentions a silent auction and "Nacimientos, Nativity Scenes from Local Collections". The background is yellow with a large ornamental bird. The back of the last panel highlights a photograph of a painting that depicts a man holding a small human head on a string harness. The man is wearing a white sheet clipped to his shirt. Artwork credits are at the bottom of the painting. The back of the middle panel contains information about the Mexic-Arte Museum, including the Mexic-Arte logo, sponsorships, phone number, location, hours of operation, and the website.artist/creator Unknownsubject Education - Events Guests Social Life And Customs - Customs - Holidays - Christmas Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Sales People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Auctions Religion Social Life And Customs - Customs - Celebrations Latinos Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: "Mexican Calendar Legends" Brochure Translations
title Pamphlet: "Mexican Calendar Legends" Brochure Translationsdescription Pamphlet that advertises an exhibition presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled "Mexican Calendar Legends, 20th Century Mexican Calendar Art in Galas de Mexico". Along with the title of the exhibition and an image of a painting from the exhibition, the cover of the pamphlet also establishes that the pamphlet is made up of "Brochure Translations" from a separate gallery guide that is in Spanish. The first page features an introduction about the exhibition. The majority of remaining pages list the artists that are included in the exhibition as well as a short biography and description of the type of artwork each one produces. The last two pages list a few of the "classic themes of the calendar paintings". The back cover of the pamphlet features the sponsors of the museum and the exhibition as well as information about the exhibition and the museum.artist/creator Davis & Davis Translatorssubject Education - Events Artists Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Legends Mexicans Translations Latinos Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: YLA No. 9, The Young Latino Artists
title Pamphlet: YLA No. 9, The Young Latino Artistsdescription Pamphlet that advertises an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled "YLA No. 9, The Young Latino Artists Exhibition". The entire pamphlet has a red, white, and black color scheme with gray-scale photographs. The cover of the pamphlet features the title of the exhibition as well as a large photograph of an installation that consists of several striped fabrics. The pamphlet folds out to span three and a half panels long. The half-size panel lists all of the artists involved in the exhibition and their corresponding representative cities. The other three panels are connected by a red dashed line separated by target points labelled with the names of the Texas cities which are represented by the participating artists. There are also three photographs of artworks and credits that run along the dashed line. The bottom of the three panels are also connected by a long red backdrop that includes the title of the exhibition on the first panel. The second panel highlights information regarding the date and times of the opening reception and a members-only preview, the address of the museum, and a short description of the exhibition. The last panel lists the co-curators of the exhibition and past "YLA Artists". It also mentions a collaboration with a nearby gallery and a DJ performance. The back of the middle panels includes information about the Mexic-Arte Museum and it's sponsors. The back of the last panel features a large photograph of a red and gray-scale watercolor and ink painting of a cat and three monsters. Artwork credits are at the bottom of the panel.artist/creator Unknownsubject Artists Receptions Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Galleries People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Latinos Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Guide: Dos Maestros (Two Masters) Dr. Atl & Mardonio Magaña
title Guide: Dos Maestros (Two Masters) Dr. Atl & Mardonio Magañadescription Gallery guide for an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled "Dos Maestros [Two Masters] Dr. Atl & Mardonio Magaña, Two Legendary Mexican Masters". The entire brochure is printed in green tinted gray-scale, including the photographs. The cover of the guide features the title and a photograph of a charcoal drawing by Dr. Atl. After the introduction on page two, the guide includes pages dedicated to biographical information about Dr. Atl and Mardonio Magaña. There are also pages that cover information about the "San Juan Parangaricutiro before and after its destruction", the "location of the Parícutin volcano", the history of Parícutin, and the "formation of a volcano". On page eleven and twelve, there is a chronological timeline that covers the life of Mardonio Magaña. There is a page of acknowledgements concerning the museum, the exhibition, and the gallery guide at the back of the guide as well as a page that features a list of the board of directors, members, honorary members, legal counselors, and staff of the Mexic-Arte Museum. There are several photographs of the artists and their artworks throughout the guide.artist/creator Mazo, Roberto Orozco, Sylvia Garza, David Zamora, Herlinda Bernal, Veronica Siems, Anne Martínez, Andrés Verasubject Education - Events Artists Exhibits Timelines Guides Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Galleries People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Biographies Masters Arts And Crafts - Sculptures Atl Magaña, Mardonio Arts And Crafts - Drawingscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: Dos Maestros (Two Masters) Dr. Atl & Mardonio Magaña
title Pamphlet: Dos Maestros (Two Masters) Dr. Atl & Mardonio Magañadescription Pamphlet that advertises an exhibition that was presented by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, the National Council on Art and Culture, the National Institute of Fine Arts. and the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled "Dos Maestros (Two Masters) Dr. Atl & Mardonio Magaña". The entire pamphlet has been printed in green tones, including the photographs. The front cover of the pamphlet accentuates the exhibition title with a photograph from the exhibition as the background. The pamphlet folds out to span three and a half panels long. The first full-sized panel features information about the exhibition, including the title, address of the museum, and the date and time of the opening reception. The middle panel presents a passage about the drawings created by Dr. Atl, while the last panel presents a passage detailing the work of Mardonio Magaña. There is a photograph of a wood sculpture of three Mexican musicians above the passage about Magaña. The background of the first and second panels is a drawing from the exhibition. The half-sized panel contains information about major supporters as well as a photograph of a wooden sculpture from the exhibition. The back of the last panel features a large photograph of Mardonio Magaña. The back of the second panel includes information about the museum. Artwork credits are included in the pamphlet.artist/creator Unknownsubject Education - Events Exhibits Receptions Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Galleries People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Collections Latinos Arts And Crafts - Sculptures Atl Magaña, Mardonio Arts And Crafts - Drawingscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: Crossing Over Exhibition
title Pamphlet: Crossing Over Exhibitiondescription Pamphlet that advertises an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled "Crossing Over". The exhibition contained artwork by Willie Varela. The pamphlet has been printed in all over red scale, including the photographs. The cover of the pamphlet features a photograph of a corrugated metal fence and a blank billboard in the distance. The title and a descriptive secondary title are also included on the front. The pamphlet opens up to span three and a half panels long. The first panel includes the name of the exhibition as well as the dates and times of the opening reception, a members only preview, and a gallery talk by the artist. The second panel features a large photograph of a dilated eyeball and a statement about the exhibition above. The third panel features a picture of a drawing of an elderly woman standing next to a giant parrot. Details about an exhibition that ran concurrently to the featured exhibition are also included. The half-size panel includes information on sponsorship. The back of the last panel headlines a picture of two Hispanic boys who are looking in different directions. The back of the middle panel details information on the Mexic-Arte Museum.artist/creator Unknownsubject Education - Events Artists Receptions Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Galleries People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Varela, Willie Mexicans Lectures Exhibits Business, Economics And Finance - Service Industries - Photography Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Exhibition Sign for Bill Maceyra Torn and Frayed
title Exhibition Sign for Bill Maceyra Torn and Frayeddescription Photograph of a section of a wall for an exhibition. The wall has the title of the exhibition on the right-hand side, which reads, "Diversity and Emergence Series Presents Bill Maceyra Torn and Frayed". On the left-hand side of the wall, there is an abstract painting that contains thick black expressive lines and pastel blue, pink, yellow, and gray sections. There is another wall that spans the entire photograph in the background behind the title wall. Two paintings are visible on the back wall. There are spotlights hanging from the dark rafters on the ceiling; most of them are placed so they illuminate the paintings.artist/creator Maceyra, Billsubject Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin -- Photographs. Galleries Presentations Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Walls Arts And Crafts - Paintings Speakers Maceyra, Vartolome (Bill) Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Five People Posing in Front of Two Large Paintings
title Five People Posing in Front of Two Large Paintingsdescription Photograph of three women and two men standing together in a group in front of a gallery wall with two large paintings hanging on it. The five people are all smiling at the camera, and are all wearing badges. The painting on the left-hand side of the image is of a gestural seated man. The figure is mostly white with geometric sections of saturated color that bleed into the background. The second painting, which is behind the group of people and on the right-hand side of the image, features a bearded man wearing a cloak. The figure is mostly black, gray, and white with geometric sections of saturated and faded color that bleed into the background. The artist's name, "Bill Maceyra" is featured above the first painting.artist/creator Maceyra, Billsubject Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin -- Photographs. Artists Galleries People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Social Life And Customs - Customs - Celebrations Maceyra, Vartolome (Bill) Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Three People Standing Around a Drawing Exhibit
title Three People Standing Around a Drawing Exhibitdescription Photograph of two men and one woman standing together in a group in front of an exhibition of charcoal drawings. The woman, who is standing in the middle, is wearing a red skirt, a black top, and a red and black beaded necklace. The man standing to her right wearing a blue and white striped shirt and gray trousers. The man standing to her left is wearing a gray suit coat, blue shirt, black trousers, and a patterned tie. There are seven framed charcoal drawings visible along the wall, which spans the entire image. Each drawing has a white mat around it and an information card to the right of the frame.artist/creator Unknownsubject Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin -- Photographs. Charcoal Drawings People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Customs - Celebrations Frames Exhibits Arts And Crafts - Drawingscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Boy Looking at a Sculpture in a Glass Case
title Boy Looking at a Sculpture in a Glass Casedescription Photograph of a Hispanic boy bending over with his hands on his knees to look at an abstract stone sculpture. The boy, who is standing on the right-hand side of the image, is wearing a striped shirt and blue trousers with a belt. The stone sculpture is enclosed in a glass case and rested on a brown painted podium. There is a yellowed newspaper and a photograph next to it. People are visible in the background.artist/creator Unknownsubject Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin -- Photographs. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Customs - Celebrations Stones Arts And Crafts - Sculptures Exhibits Casescontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group of People Standing Together and Holding a Drawing
title Group of People Standing Together and Holding a Drawingdescription Photograph of a group of three men and three women standing together in a group and facing the camera. The three people who are standing in the middle are holding a three-paneled folder with a colorful picture of three Hispanic figures in the middle. A few of the people are smiling at the camera, and the man in the middle is looking off to the left. There is a large painting on the wall in the background that is slightly visible behind the group of people.artist/creator Unknownsubject Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin -- Photographs. Folders People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Social Life And Customs - Customs - Celebrations Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Three Men Holding a Print of a Horse
title Three Men Holding a Print of a Horsedescription Photograph of three men holding a matted color print of a blue horse jumping over several large rocks that are jutting out of the ocean. The men are standing together in front of a blue wall which has another large painting on it on the right-hand side of the image. The men who, are all wearing suits, are all looking at each other and smiling.artist/creator Unknownsubject Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin -- Photographs. Artists Groups Portraits Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions People - Ethnic Groups - Hispanics Arts And Crafts - Paintings Social Life And Customs - Customs - Celebrations Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Five People Standing in Front of a Painting of a Bull
title Five People Standing in Front of a Painting of a Bulldescription Photograph of two women and three men standing in front of a white wall that has a large painting of a bull on it. There is writing on the wall above the painting that reads, "Ikerkinesis". The five people are all smiling and facing the camera. The man on the far right-hand side of the photograph is holding a piece of paper.artist/creator Unknownsubject Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin -- Photographs. People Groups Portraits Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Social Life And Customs - Customs - Celebrations Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Oscar Silva and Unnamed Woman in Front of Title Wall
title Oscar Silva and Unnamed Woman in Front of Title Walldescription Photograph of Oscar Silva and an unnamed woman standing in front of a title wall. Silva, left, wears a black shirt and black jeans. The unnamed woman, right, wears a green sweater and jeans. A sculpture on the left features rope with ears of corn and straw hanging from them. Text on the wall reads: "Diversity and Emergence series presents Oscar Silva, Working with Nature."artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jorge Sedeño and Woman Wearing Frida Kahlo Costume
title Jorge Sedeño and Woman Wearing Frida Kahlo Costumedescription Photograph of a woman in a Frida Kahlo costume and Jorge Sedeño. The woman wears flowers in her hair, a white lace blouse, and yellow and pink shawls. Jorge Sedeño, right, wears a gray blazer and red tie.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Woman in Frida Kahlo Costume
title Woman in Frida Kahlo Costumedescription Photograph of a woman in a Frida Kahlo costume holding a stuffed monkey. The woman wears flowers in her hair, a white lace blouse, and yellow and pink shawls. A woman wearing a mauve dress and turquoise necklace speaks into a microphone on the left. Jorge Sedeño looks on. A painting on the wall behind them includes a grid of colored squares in which people have been painted.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Frida Kahlo Costume
title Frida Kahlo Costumedescription Photograph of a woman in a Frida Kahlo costume being presented a piece of paper by a woman wearing a mauve dress and black shawl. The woman wears flowers in her hair, a white lace blouse, and yellow and pink shawls. Three other individuals look on. A painting on the wall behind them includes a grid of colored squares in which people have been painted.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Sylvia Orozco, Jorge Sedeño, and Unnamed Person at Frida's Fiestas V
title Sylvia Orozco, Jorge Sedeño, and Unnamed Person at Frida's Fiestas Vdescription Photograph of Sylvia Orozco and Jorge Sedeño present a commemorative plate to an unnamed man at Frida's Fiestas V, a benefit for the Mexic-Arte Museum held at Fonda San Miguel. A painting on the wall behind them includes a grid of colored squares in which people have been painted.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group Photo with Frida Kahlo Masks During Benefit
title Group Photo with Frida Kahlo Masks During Benefitdescription Photograph of individuals sitting at a long table during Frida's Fiestas V, a benefit for the Mexic-Arte Museum held at Fonda San Miguel. Individuals hold Frida Kahlo masks in front of their faces. The masks are black and white; the woman depicted in the mask is traditionally ornamented.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group Photo with Frida Kahlo Masks
title Group Photo with Frida Kahlo Masksdescription Photograph of individuals sitting at a long table during Frida's Fiestas V, a benefit for the Mexic-Arte Museum held at Fonda San Miguel. Individuals hold Frida Kahlo masks in front of their faces. The masks are black and white; the woman depicted in the mask is traditionally ornamented.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
People Enjoying Benefit
title People Enjoying Benefitdescription Photograph of four individuals sitting at a table during Frida's Fiestas V, a benefit for the Mexic-Arte Museum held at Fonda San Miguel. From left to right are a woman wearing orange, a man wearing a blue dress shirt, a man wearing a gray blazer, and a woman wearing a black dress. The wall behind them is burnt orange in color. A painting of a turreted building hangs on the wall.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Food Service Workers
title Food Service Workersdescription Photograph of the food service for Frida's Fiestas V, a benefit for the Mexic-Arte Museum held at Fonda San Miguel. Two men in white uniforms stand behind a table of food trays. The leftmost man wears a chef's hat. The table is covered in multicolored fabrics. A vase of yellow flowers sits at the end of the table.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Exhibits Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Eventscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Sylvia Orozco Speaking at Frida's Fiestas V
title Sylvia Orozco Speaking at Frida's Fiestas Vdescription Photograph of Sylvia Orozco speaking at Frida's Fiestas V, a benefit for the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Orozco holds a microphone. She wears a leopard print blouse, black belt, metallic bracelet, and gray pearls.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Exhibits Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Eventscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Sylvia Orozco and Others at Frida's Fiestas V
title Sylvia Orozco and Others at Frida's Fiestas Vdescription Photograph of Sylvia Orozco and three unnamed persons standing during Frida's Fiestas V, a benefit for the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The three unnamed individuals hold beverages. Men, wearing suits, stand on either side. Orozco, second from the right, wears a leopard print blouse and black skirt. The woman standing second from the left wears a silver shawl and black dress. A painting can be seen on the wall behind them. The painting depicts a mustachioed man wearing a striped blazer and pink tie.subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Exhibits Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Eventscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Program: Frida's Fiestas V
title Program: Frida's Fiestas Vdescription Flyer for Frida's Fiestas V, a benefit for the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas held on October 24th, 1999. The benefit included dinner and music by Pepe y los Tres Amigos.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Social Life And Customs - Food And Cooking Exhibits Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Eventscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group Photograph with Laura Bush, Sylvia Orozco, and Jorge Sedeño
title Group Photograph with Laura Bush, Sylvia Orozco, and Jorge Sedeñodescription Photograph of ten individuals standing in the Jose Cisneros exhibit at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Text on the back of the photograph reads, from left to right: "Bill Rodriguez, Vice President, Dell Computer Corporation; Sylvia Orozco, Bill Tilney, Jorge Sedono, Mexic-Arte Museum; Maestro Jose Cisneros, Artist; Mrs. Laura Bush, First Lady of Texas; Tony Garza, Railroad Commissioner; Council Member Gus Garcia; Consul Eusebio Romero; Jorge Necer, Artist." The paintings on the wall behind them depict men and horses.subject Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco View Drawing
title Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco View Drawingdescription Photograph of Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco looking through a large book that sits on a wooden table. Cisneros, right, holds the book open as they study a drawing of a woman with braided hair. Orozco wears a magenta and white blouse in a floral pattern. Cisneros wears a white dress shirt and gray trousers. Statuettes of horses and people line shelves around the room.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jose Cisneros, Sylvia Orozco, and Others
title Jose Cisneros, Sylvia Orozco, and Othersdescription Photograph of Jose Cisneros, Sylvia Orozco, and two unnamed persons. Leftmost stands a man wearing a white dress shirt and black trousers. Cisneros, second from the left, wears a beige blazer and patterned tie. Orozco, second from the right, wears a magenta and white patterned blouse and black skirt. Rightmost stands a woman wearing glasses, a red blouse, and gray patterned trousers. They stand in front of a group of black and white framed drawings. Several potted plants sit on the floor.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco Next to Bookcase
title Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco Next to Bookcasedescription Photograph of Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco. Orozco, left, wears a black and white checked skirt with a black belt and black sweater. Cisnero, right, wears a black and green plaid button up shirt. They stand in front of a bookcase.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events People Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco at Christmastime
title Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco at Christmastimedescription Photograph of Jose Cisneros and Sylvia Orozco. Cisneros and Orozco face each other, standing in front of a table covered in an embroidered green tablecloth. On the table sits a red binder and a small white statue of a young woman's head and shoulders. Christmas decorations hang from a window and light fixtur. Cisneros, left, wears a red sweater. Orozco, right, wears a gray sweater.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jose Cisneros and Unnamed Person
title Jose Cisneros and Unnamed Persondescription Photograph of Jose Cisneros and an unnamed female. The unnamed female, left, wears a purple button up, gray shirt, and dark green pants. Cisneros, right, wears a red sweater with a collared dress shirt underneath. They stand in front a collection of statuettes and paintings.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jose Cisneros Auction
title Jose Cisneros Auctiondescription Photograph of an auction of work by Jose Cisneros, an artist, illustrator, and historian featured at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Individuals study items set up on tables covered in white and red cloth. Items include paintings, drawings, and ceramics.subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Performance by Johnny Degollado and Others
title Performance by Johnny Degollado and Othersdescription Photograph of Johnny Degollado playing the accordion at the Jose Cisneros exhibit at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Degollado is accompanied at his right by a young male vocalist and a bass player. A guitarist stands at his left. Paintings can be seen on the walls behind them.subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Sylvia Orozco in Jose Cisneros Exhibit
title Sylvia Orozco in Jose Cisneros Exhibitdescription Photograph of Sylvia Orozco sitting in the Jose Cisneros exhibit at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Paintings line the walls. A blue pedestal in the center of the photograph holds small gold and ceramic statues. Near the pedestal is a large camera and lighting umbrella.subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Title Wall for Jose Cisneros
title Title Wall for Jose Cisnerosdescription Photograph of a title wall for Jose Cisneros at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The wall reads: "Through Golden Eyes. Jose Cisneros. In cooperation with Sun Dance Press & UTEP University Library." A vase of yellow and purple flowers sits in front of the wall. On the left side of the wall is a small painting of a man and woman in fancy dress.subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Woman Standing in Front of an Exhibition Title Wall
title Woman Standing in Front of an Exhibition Title Walldescription Photograph of Anica Bazan standing in front a title wall. Anica Bazan's work was exhibited at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas in 1999. The exhibition was titled Imagenes de la Mujer (Diversity and Emergence Series). Bazan wears a black dress. The paintings on the wall behind her are of abstract human figures.subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group Photo with Jorge Sedeño and Sylvia Orozco
title Group Photo with Jorge Sedeño and Sylvia Orozcodescription Photograph of five individuals. The leftmost woman wears a blue dress. The man next to her wears a dark jacket and holds a print of a figure wearing a feathered headdress. A man wearing a dark suit coat, blue dress shirt, glasses, and red tie. Second from the right stands Jorge Sedeño, who wears a gray suit coat. Rightmost is Sylvia Orozco, who wears a sleeveless gold blouse and short black skirt. The wall behind them is painted red and green. A stone statue stands off to the right.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jorge Sedeño, Sylvia Orozco, and Others
title Jorge Sedeño, Sylvia Orozco, and Othersdescription Photograph of five individuals. A woman in a blue dress stands farthest to the left, followed by a woman in a yellow dress and a woman in a black jacket and gray skirt. Second from the right is Jorge Sedeño, who wears a gray suit. Rightmost stands Sylvia Orozco, who wears a short black skirt and gold sleeveless blouse. The individuals hold up copies of a pamphlet titled "Mario Rendon Lozano: Escultor."artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Mario Lozano Sitting on Floor
title Mario Lozano Sitting on Floordescription Photograph of Mario Lozano, whose work was exhibited at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Lozano wears a denim shirt and blue jeans. He sits on a black tile floor with his legs crossed, chin leaning against his bent left arm.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Sylvia Orozco and Others
title Sylvia Orozco and Othersdescription Photograph taken at the opening reception for Vitality and Roots, an exhibit held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. A woman who spoke at the reception stands on the left. Sylvia Orozco stands on the left. In the center is an unnamed woman. The group stands in front of two floral paintings.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Speaker at Opening Reception
title Speaker at Opening Receptiondescription Photograph taken at the opening reception for Vitality and Roots, an exhibit held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. A male who spoke at the reception stands on the right. Standing next to him is another man who wears a brown dress shirt. They stand in front of a wall of advertisements.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Opening Reception
title Opening Receptiondescription Photograph taken at the opening reception for Vitality and Roots, an exhibit held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Jorge Sedeño and Sylvia Orozco stand on the right, behind a podium. Sedeno speaks to a man standing on the left. Others mill around in the background.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Male Speaker at Opening Reception
title Male Speaker at Opening Receptiondescription Photograph of a male speaker at the opening reception for the Vitality and Roots exhibit. The reception was held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The man stands behind a podium that sits in front of a mural. He wears a dark suit jacket, white dress shirt, patterned tie, glasses, and khakis.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Female Speaker at Opening Reception
title Female Speaker at Opening Receptiondescription Photograph of a female speaker at the opening reception for the Vitality and Roots exhibit. The reception was held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The woman stands behind a podium that sits in front of a mural. She wears a dark blazer and gray striped blouse.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jorge Sedeño, Sylvia Orozco, and Others
title Jorge Sedeño, Sylvia Orozco, and Othersdescription Photograph of thirteen individuals standing in the Vitality and Roots exhibit at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Most wear name tags. Sylvia Orozco stands second from the right. Jorge Sedeño stands third from the right. In total there are six women and seven men.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Paintings Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Laura Bush and Mariachi Band Santa Barraza and Sam Coronado Exhibit
title Laura Bush and Mariachi Band Santa Barraza and Sam Coronado Exhibitdescription Photograph taken at Laura Bush's office in Austin, Texas. Laura Bush stands amid a Mariachi band as they play. The four players are dressed in traditional Mariachi costume. The leftmost person plays a guitarrón. Two others play guitar and the last plays an accordion. The photograph was taken in a hallway with red carpet.subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Audience at Mexican Style Show
title Audience at Mexican Style Showdescription Photograph of an audience at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Audience looks toward the left corner of the photograph, wear a partially obscured podium stands. A movie or television camera is in the audience. A few audience members, lacking chairs, crouch at the sidelines.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Sylvia Orozco and Speakers
title Sylvia Orozco and Speakersdescription Photograph of three women at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The leftmost woman wears a gray houndstooth jacket. Sylvia Orozco, center, wears a stone necklace and white dress cinched at the waist with a fuchsia belt. The rightmost woman wears black. The three individuals stand in front of a blue title wall.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Laura Bush and Unnamed Woman
title Laura Bush and Unnamed Womandescription Photograph of an unnamed woman and Laura Bush at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The unnamed woman, right, wears a red patterned dress, black turtleneck, red beaded necklace, and silver earrings. Laura Bush, left, wears gold earrings and black jacket.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group Photo with Sylvia Orozco, Anica Bazan, and Herlinda Zamora
title Group Photo with Sylvia Orozco, Anica Bazan, and Herlinda Zamoradescription Photograph of nine people at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Leftmost stands a woman wearing a red dress and multicolored jacket. To her left is a woman in black, a woman wearing a gray skirt suit, a woman in black, Anica Bazan wearing leopard print, and a woman wearing a green sweater. Sylvia Orozco is third from the right and wears a white dressed cinched at the waist with a fuchsia belt. A woman wearing a gray dress and a woman wearing a black skirt suit stand to the right of her. The group stands in front of a blue title wall.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Group Photo with Sylvia Orozco and Laura Bush
title Group Photo with Sylvia Orozco and Laura Bushdescription Photograph of four people at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The leftmost man wears glasses, a dark suit, blue dress shirt, and blue patterned tie. Sylvia Orozco stands to his right, wearing a stone necklace and white dress cinched at the waist with a fuchsia belt. Laura Bush, to her right, wears pearl earrings and a black jacket with a collar and double row of buttons. The rightmost woman wears large glasses, a gold cross, red dress, and multicolored jacket with gold piping. The wall behind them is yellow and adorned with picture frames.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Models at Mexican Style Show
title Models at Mexican Style Showdescription Photographs of models at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Five models are most visible. Leftmost walks a man wearing white shorts, white sleeved shirt, and pink tasseled shirt with a pointed yellow hat from which fringe hangs. The woman to his right wears a bright pink skirt, sleeveless pink blouse, and red feathered headdress. The next woman wears a sleeveless dress with a pink, embroidered bodice and silver and multicolored skirt. The woman also wears a red and black feathered headdress. Partially obscured by her headdress is a figure wearing a blue, white, and red striped poncho. A woman wears a white dress cinched at the waist with a red belt and a headdress in white cloth. The last woman wears a white blouse with blue and red ribbon detailing. She has a white headdress and carries a straw basket. Streamers hang from the ceiling.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Model at Mexican Style Show
title Model at Mexican Style Showdescription Photograph of a model at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The model wears white flowers in her hair, a white tank top, and blue patterned skirt. The skirt includes an an embroidered bird, chain, and branch. The model's naval is visible; she is barefoot. Attendees sit in chairs on both sides of the wooden runway, upon which confetti is strewn. The rightmost wall is yellow, while the other wall is brown. Picture frames hang on both walls.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Dancers at Mexican Style Show
title Dancers at Mexican Style Showdescription A pair of dancers are caught in motion. The man stands to the left, wearing a white dress shirt, red silk scarf, and straw hat. The woman wears elaborate red, green, and gold ribbons in her hair and holds a red fan in her right hand. Her skirts are in the process of moving, large and twirling around her. The skirts are white, somewhat translucent, and include ribbon. Gold chains hang around her neck. Several mannequins and a bystander view the scene.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Models on Runway
title Models on Runwaydescription Photograph of people modeling clothing at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Seven models are in view walking down a runway covered in confetti. The leftmost woman wears a white dress and both pink and white flowers in her hair. To her right is a woman wearing a green ribbon in her hair and a dress with a bright floral pattern. The third woman is obscured by the fourth, who wears a blue blouse, loose white pants, and a blue ribbon in her hair. A woman with her hair in small braids follows her, wearing a red and white striped poncho. Behind this woman is a woman who wears a red, black, and green feathered headdress and translucent pink dress with flowers embroidered onto the bodice. Last in line is a man wearing white shorts and a pink fringed shirt with a pointed hat from which colored streamers hang. Several people can be seen viewing the models.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Speaker at Mexican Style Show
title Speaker at Mexican Style Showdescription Photograph of a speaker at Veronica Prida's Mexican Style Show, Threads of Light, held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The speaker stands behind a black podium covered in cloth that is horizontally striped in black, purple, and red colors. The speaker wears a black lace dress, yellow brooch, and blue sash. Behind the speaker are two male and two female mannequins dressed in Mexican style clothing. On the left stands a small potted tree, the bottom of which is covered in patterned fabric. One wall is yellow, while the other wall is brown.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Social Life And Customs - Clothing Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Jorge Sedeño and Pilar Thompkins
title Jorge Sedeño and Pilar Thompkinsdescription Photograph of Jorge Sedeño and Pilar Thompkins at the opening reception of YLA III. Sedeno, left, wears dark pants, a gray dress shirt, and patterned tie. Thompkins, right, wears a blue dress with thin straps and a necklace. Text on the wall behind them reads "Pilar Thompkins," underneath which are two paintings by the artist. Both paintings are street scenes featuring people. The leftmost painting is of two boys who have light colored paint on their faces. The rightmost painting is of a laughing figure who wears a mask, white fabric flowing around him.subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Booklet: Recent Works of Arthur Potter
title Booklet: Recent Works of Arthur Potterdescription Booklet discussing the recent works of Arthur Potter, which were exhibited at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas during December of 1990. The booklet features an interview of Potter and includes examples of his work.subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Exhibits Arts And Crafts - Drawingscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: Colorin Colorado, The Art of Indian Children
title Pamphlet: Colorin Colorado, The Art of Indian Childrendescription Pamphlet that advertises regarding Colorin Colorado and Frida's Fiesta IV, events held at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. Colorin Colorado occurred on September 11th, 1998. Frida's Fiestas IV occurred on October 18th, 1998. The lettering on the front of the invitation is black and red, with a few of the letters seeming to have eyes. Inside, there are two childish drawings, both in black and red. The first depicts a young, smiling girl. The second depicts a horned animal, flowers, two flying insects, and two disembodied faces. A third drawing depicts a young woman holding a red fork in her left hand. Her right hand appears in four different positions, from limp to poised atop her head, giving it the appearance of movement.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Postcard: Malaquías Montoya
title Postcard: Malaquías Montoyadescription Postcard invitation that advertises and exhibition that exhibits the work by Malaquías Montoya, a renowned Chicano artist, at the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, Texas. The exhibit ran from July 31, 1998 to August 29th, 1998. The front of the postcard features a painting titled "The Beating," which was created using acrylic wash pencil and pastel on paper. The painting is of a bald man who holds his right hand at his brow in an expression of pain.artist/creator Mexic-Arte Museum (Austin, Tex.)subject Events Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Exhibits Arts And Craftscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Pamphlet: Paradox Without the Absurd
title Pamphlet: Paradox Without the Absurddescription Pamphlet advertising an exhibition by Latino artist Ernesto Marenco presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled "Paradox Without the Absurd". The front cover of the exhibition guide features a large photograph of one of Marenco's sculptures as well as the title. On the inside of the guide, there is a numbered list of art pieces that can be found in the exhibit along with the corresponding date created, materials used, price, and a secondary name. This list is continued on the back of the pamphlet. There is also information about the artist himself and about the mission of the diversity and emergence series.artist/creator Unknownsubject Artists Artworks Materials Museum Exhibits -- Texas -- Austin. Marenco, Ernesto Social Life And Customs - Fairs And Exhibitions Arts And Crafts - Sculptures Exhibitscontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH) -
Comanches and Apaches exhibit at Fort Davis Museum
title Comanches and Apaches exhibit at Fort Davis Museumdescription Photograph of an exhibit at the Fort Davis Museum about the Comanches and Apaches, two tribes that lived in west Texas. Seen in the exhibit are photographs, moccasins, a beaded knife sheath, a saddle and other Indian artifacts.artist/creator Unknowncontributor Portal to Texas History (TPTH)